What is a cot?
A cot is a wooden cot or camp bed measuring 1.20 x 0.60 m. It is suitable for children up to 3 years old. Children aged 3 and over sleep in a single bed.

You can see on the park page between the accommodation features what kind of children's bed is available. When booking, you can indicate that a child up to 3 years of age is travelling with you. In that case, cot linen will be automatically added to the booking at an additional charge.

Extra children's bed
At many parks, it is possible to book an extra children's bed (including children's bed linen). When making your booking, please indicate if you would like to use an extra cot.
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How old must you be to make a booking at Landal GreenParks?
We only accept reservations from people who are 18 years of age or older. The main booker must also be present during the stay. Reservations made by people under the age of 18 are not valid. 

We reserve the right to refuse any changes to reservations, especially for groups, or to impose special conditions on them without giving any reason.
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What are the Terms and Conditions for Landal?
You can view the General Terms and Conditions for Landal here.
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